The Stranger
Last updated: July 1st, 2024
Combine the power of SOLOstudio® PRO & ‘The Stranger’ app by Jonathan Levit and you get this incredible integration that makes your performance slicker, easier and utterly reliable.
When enabled, you can add [shortcodes] <– like that, into your cue notes which when opened in ‘Show mode’ automatically fetch and display Stranger information inside SOLOstudio® PRO.
Essentially, turning your show control system into a giant, easy to read, reliable & automatic peek screen!
1) First, let’s add this upgrade to your SOLOstudio® app. Click the icon to add a new cue and then tap, ‘Upgrades ‘ – This will take you to the Upgrade Marketplace.
2) Purchase the ‘The Stranger’ upgrade using in App Purchases.
3) Once you’ve made a purchase in the Upgrade Marketplace a new settings page will be made available to you in the top right hand corner of the Upgrade Marketplace page.
4) Insert your Stranger ID (2-5 digits) which can be found in your Stranger account settings in the Stranger app.
5) In the Stranger app be sure to select SOLOstudio® PRO as an output and if required contact Jonathan Levit to activate your API access.
6) Inside any cue or group, you can now add any of the Stranger shortcodes in your notes and if data is present in the Stranger app it will now automatically be displayed in your show notes when using ‘Show Mode’ in SOLOstudio® PRO!
1) Stranger data fetching requires a reliable internet connection.
2) Stranger data will ONLY be displayed in ‘Show mode ‘ notes.
3) You must activate Stranger API in the Stranger App for this to work!
4) SOLOstudio® PRO background checks for new Stranger data every 15 seconds (in the background) once a note is opened in Show Mode .
5) SOLOstudio® PRO will always display the most recent data available that is stored in the Stranger servers and will update automatically when new data is available.
Use these [shortcodes] inside your cue notes to display the matching Stranger data inside Show Mode notes.
playingcard [playingcard]
number [number]
number_birthday [birthday]
number_Pi [pi]
nailwriter1 [nailwriter1]
nailwriter2 [nailwriter2]
nailwriter3 [nailwriter3]
booktest [booktest]
listen [listen]
listen_numbers_only [listennumbers]
listen_serial_number [listerserial]
listen_custom_reveal_1 [listencustom1]
listen_custom_reveal_2 [listencustom2]
listen_custom_reveal_3 [listencustom3]
listen_custom_reveal_4 [listencustom4]
listen_calculation [listencalc]
listen_lotto [listenlotto]
listen_autocrib [listencrib]
listen_birthdaymode [listenbirthday]
listen_pimode [listenpin]
nfc [nfc]
cubesmith [cubesmith]
dicesmith [dicesmith]
timesmith [timesmith]
ithump_toxic [ithumptoxic]
elips [elips]
inject [inject]
labco [labco]
rainman [rainman]
thoughtcast [thoughtcast]
doodle [doodle]
speaQ [speakq]
momo [momo]
rewind [rewind]
A special thanks goes to the teams at both The Stranger App & SOLOstudio® PRO, Jonathan Levit, Sam Fitton, Aaron Calvert & our fantastic development teams for making this incredible integration possible.
For more help & support please visit our ‘Owners only’ Facebook group or submit a support request at

Created by Sam Fitton
Designed in Manchester
Made in UK
Tel: 0161 726 5010
SOLO® & SOLOstudio® are registered trademarks of Solo Automations Ltd. All rights reserved.